Can Dogs Eat Sugar?

Victoria Lynn Arnold

Victoria Lynn Arnold

. Reviewed by Teresa Manucy, DVM
Updated Sep. 23, 2024
can dogs eat sugar: dog staring at a doughnut

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In This Article

Can Dogs Eat Sugar?
Always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new foods, especially “people foods.” What might be OK for one dog might not

We all know that sugary foods aren’t healthy for us, but we can still overdo it and suffer the consequences. But can dogs eat sugar? And if sugar is bad for us, how bad is it for dogs?

Let’s look at the ways sugar can affect dogs and when you should be concerned.

Can Dogs Eat Sugar?

No, dogs should not eat sugar. While sugar isn’t toxic to dogs, it’s still very unhealthy for them in larger amounts.

The only type of sugar dogs can safely have is naturally occurring sugar found in dog-safe vegetables and fruits, like blueberries and strawberries.

Naturally occurring sugar should not be confused with naturally occurring sweeteners or sugar substitutes, like xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, lethargy, and seizures, among other symptoms. If your dog eats even a little bit of xylitol, or some candy or gum with xylitol in it, contact your veterinarian right away. 

Stay away from all other forms of sugar and artificial sweeteners, including:

  • Brown sugar 

  • Powdered sugar

  • Processed sugar

  • Cane sugar 

Although a little bit of sugar here and there isn’t toxic for your dog, it will cause health issues if they continue to eat sugar repeatedly over time.

How Much Sugar Can a Dog Have?

If your dog is only eating sugar through dog-safe fruits, these fruit treats should make up no more than 10% of their overall diet. The other 90% should come from a well-balanced dog food diet. You can mix up your dog’s treats with some dog-safe vegetables, too, since they don’t contain as much sugar as fruit. 

However, if your dog has eaten plain sugar, a sugary treat, or candy, they could experience the following symptoms, depending on the amount consumed:

Avoid giving your dog these other forms of sugar.

My Dog Ate Sugar—What Do I Do?

If your dog has eaten a lot of sugar, candy, or anything containing xylitol, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Too much sugar can greatly harm your dog's stomach or pancreas. And xylitol and certain other candy ingredients are toxic to dogs.

Your pup will need to be treated by your veterinarian right away. 

Can Dogs Taste Sugar?

If you’ve ever wondered whether dogs have taste buds or if they can taste sweet things, the answer is yes—and yes!

Dogs have far fewer taste buds than we do (they have 1,700 and we have about 9,000), but they still have the same taste receptors as we do: spicy, sweet, bitter, sour, and salty. 

Dogs will often avoid things that taste too bitter or sour, but many enjoy the taste of sweetness. That could be why so many dogs love fruits and veggies. It also may be why they’ll come sniffing around if you’re eating cookies or candy. 

Dogs and Sugar FAQs

Can dogs have brown sugar?

No, dogs cannot have brown sugar. While it isn’t toxic to dogs, it can cause health issues if eaten in large amounts or over time.

Can dogs have powdered sugar?

No, dogs cannot have powdered sugar. Similar to brown sugar, powdered sugar isn’t toxic to dogs but can cause health issues if eaten in large amounts or over time.

Can dogs have corn syrup?

Corn syrup isn’t toxic to dogs, but it does have a high sugar content and is very unhealthy for them, especially when eaten repeatedly over time. This can cause obesity and diabetes. 

Can dogs eat candy and lollipops?

No, dogs should never be allowed to eat candy or lollipops. That’s not just because of the sugar; there could be toxic ingredients in the candy such as xylitol, chocolate, raisins, or nutmeg

It’s important to keep an eye on your candy stash to make sure your pup doesn’t get into it.

Can dogs have sugar water?

No, dogs shouldn’t drink sugar water.

You may have heard people suggest sugar water for hypoglycemia in dogs and puppies. However, this isn’t a treatment recommended by veterinarians; instead, they might recommend a high-protein meal.


  1. Diabetes in Pets. American Veterinary Medical Association.


Victoria Lynn Arnold


Victoria Lynn Arnold

Freelance Writer

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