Gerbil Care Guide: Habitat, Diet, and Daily Care

Updated Feb. 27, 2025
gerbil care guide; a gerbil sits happily in his enclosure.

Irina Orlova/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Native to the deserts of Africa, Central Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, gerbils are small rodents with big personalities.

While there are 87 known species of gerbils, the Mongolian gerbil (also called the desert rat) is the species most often kept as pets. 

The Mongolian gerbil’s scientific name, Meriones unguiculatus, translates to “little clawed warrior.”

Despite their fearsome name, most gerbils are quite docile and outgoing when properly socialized. 

Gerbil Overview

As social animals, gerbils are highly communicative and use a range of non-verbal signals to let others know how they’re feeling. Gerbils have been known to: 

  • Wink at their pet parent to show pleasure, happiness, or gratitude 

  • Purr when they’re comfortable and content 

  • Thump their hind legs to signal fear or sexual arousal

  • Greet other gerbils by touching their noses to each other 

Over time, gerbils learn to trust their owner and learn to enjoy daily handling. When holding a gerbil, gently cup the animal in your hands. If the gerbil needs to be restrained from running away, it should be held gently by the scruff of the neck. 

Gerbils should be handled over a soft surface to prevent them from injuring themselves if they jump or fall. 

Never grab a gerbil by its tail—they're delicate and can break or tear easily

Children of all ages should be supervised by an adult while handling a gerbil. All small animals are potential carriers of infectious diseases that can infect humans, such as rat bite fever and the Salmonella bacteria.

Pet parents should always wash their hands before and after handling their gerbil or its habitat’s contents.  

Gerbil Characteristics
Difficulty of Care Beginner
Average LifespanUp to 5 years with proper care
Average Adult Size 4 inches long, not including tail
Diet Omnivorous
Minimum Habitat Size 18” L x 30” W x 12” H

Gerbil Supply Checklist

To keep a gerbil happy and healthy, pet parents should have these basic supplies on hand: 

  • Treats 

  • Bedding 

  • Nesting fluff 

  • Food bowl/water bottle 

  • Exercise wheel 

Ideal Gerbil Habitat and Cage Setup

Despite their small size, gerbils are active animals that need a spacious habitat to run, climb, and explore comfortably.

Ideally, gerbils should be housed in a layered enclosure with a solid bottom for digging and an upper layer for playing. The enclosure should be at least 20 gallons for a pair of gerbils.

Always provide the largest habitat possible. 

Wire enclosures, though well-ventilated, are not recommended.

Gerbils are natural burrowers, and the wire used to make these habitats can injure gerbils' teeth and noses as they try to dig through the bottom.

Plastic habitats should be avoided, as gerbils can chew through them. 

A gerbil’s natural habitat is a desert type environment, so they like to have room to burrow underground (where the daytime temperatures would be cooler). 

At night they like to come up and run and play—so having an “upstairs” part of the tank is perfect for this reason.

Gerbils are comfortable in average household temperatures, and don’t thrive at temperatures greater than 80°F. Gerbils are sensitive to extreme temperature changes, so habitats should be kept in a draft-free area that’s not close to an air conditioner or in direct sunlight. Make sure the habitat is kept off the floor and is not accessible to other animals, like curious cats and dogs. 

Due to their sociable nature, gerbils can become depressed when kept alone. Since gerbils can become territorial as they mature, it’s best to adopt gerbils in same-sex pairs from the same litter when they’re around 5 to 6 weeks old.  

Gerbils kept together in the same habitat should be watched for aggressive behavior. If the two gerbils fight, they should be separated. Pet parents should never keep different species of animals in the same habitat. 

But what about bedding? What is the best form of bedding for gerbils?

Pet parents should offer two types of bedding in their gerbil's habitat: an absorbent substrate to line the bottom of the enclosure, and a fluffy nesting material they can use to make a cozy burrow. 

Add 1–2 inches of high-quality, paper-based bedding or crumpled paper to the bottom of the habitat. 

Paper-based bedding should be used instead of wood shavings or chips of any kind. Unlike wood, paper is low-dust and digestible, meaning it won’t obstruct a gerbil’s gastrointestinal tract if ingested. 

Avoid cedar-based and pine bedding products. These products have aromatic oils that can irritate gerbils’ skin and sensitive respiratory tracts. 

Pet parents should provide each gerbil with at least one hideout box for privacy.

If you have multiple gerbils in a habitat, each gerbil should have their own hideout. Ideally, hideout boxes should be made from chewable materials, like hay or wood.

Plastic hideouts are durable and easier to disinfect, but they should be removed from the gerbil’s enclosure if the animal begins to chew on them.

The broken plastic pieces can obstruct a gerbil’s gastrointestinal tract if ingested and cause serious injuries.

Daily exercise is vital to a gerbil's overall health.

A running wheel is a convenient way to satisfy a gerbil’s natural need to run. 

Each gerbil should have its own running wheel. Ensure that the wheel’s running surface is smooth and won’t trap a gerbil's feet or toes, causing injury.

Because gerbils’ front (incisor) teeth never stop growing, they should have access to chew toys that encourage gnawing so they can wear down their teeth gradually as they grow. 

Climbing ladders, cardboard or PVC tubes, and branches all make excellent additions to a gerbil's habitat.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Pet parents should spot-clean their gerbil’s enclosure daily, removing any soiled material and uneaten food. The entire habitat and its contents should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week.

To clean a gerbil’s habitat: 

  1. Move the gerbil to a pet-safe temporary enclosure and remove any old bedding or litter from the habitat. 

  1. Use a small animal habitat cleaner or 3% bleach solution to wash the habitat and any accessories.

    • The bleach solution should stay on the habitat for at least 10 minutes to ensure that the surfaces are properly disinfected. If using a commercial habitat cleaner, like Nature's Miracle Small Animal Cage Cleaner Spray, follow the manufacturer's instructions. 

  1. Rinse the habitat and accessories thoroughly with water, making sure to remove any trace amounts or residual smells left by the cleaning agent or bleach solution. 

  1. Allow the habitat and its contents to dry completely before placing new bedding and clean accessories back into the habitat. 

  1. Return your gerbil to their clean habitat. 

Gerbil Diet and Nutrition

Gerbils enjoy a diet of high-quality rodent lab blocks or pelleted food, supplemented with limited amounts of grains, vegetables, fruits, hay, and treats.

Gerbils should always have access to clean, fresh water.  

A nutritious and well-balanced gerbil diet consists of high-quality gerbil lab blocks or pelleted food that’s formulated especially for gerbils.

Gerbils should be fed daily.

Grains, vegetables, fruits, hay, and treats can be offered in limited quantities (no more than 10% of a gerbil’s daily diet). 

Gerbils enjoy a variety of fruits as treats, including small amounts of pear, apple, banana, strawberry, blueberry, kiwi, and melon. You can offer fresh fruit or dried fruit-flavored treats.

Fruits and vegetables should be cut into small, bite-sized pieces before serving. Since fruits are naturally high in carbohydrates, they should be fed in more limited quantities than vegetables to prevent unhealthy weight gain. 

Water should be changed daily and offered in a shallow, chew-resistant bowl or water bottle.

Pet parents should regularly clean and thoroughly rinse their gerbil’s water bowl or bottle to prevent bacteria from forming. 

  • Water bottles should be checked regularly for clogs or leaks. 

  • Bowls should not be too deep, as the gerbil may slip into them and get trapped. 

Make sure the bowl is tip-resistant and sturdy enough to not be knocked over by an excited gerbil.

Do not allow gerbils to consume chocolate, caffeine, or alcohol, as they are all toxic and can cause death or serious illness. Sugar and high-fat treats should also be avoided because they can cause digestive upset. 

Pet parents should discard any uneaten fruits and vegetables after 10 hours, as they may spoil and cause infection if eaten.

Gerbil Behavior and Temperament

Gerbils are small and relatively fast-moving animals, and although they should be handled daily, it should always be with adult supervision. 

When gently handled on an everyday basis, most gerbils will become very social and tame, particularly if the only time they are offered treats and snacks is during their “cage free” time with the family. 

Although social and friendly, most gerbils do not enjoy being held or cuddled for an extended period.  As an active animal, they are often too busy to sit still for cuddling and would much rather spend their time out and exploring than sitting on a pet parent’s lap.

Most gerbils are crepuscular, meaning that they are most active at dusk and dawn. This may awaken light sleepers early in the day, but gerbils are not nocturnal animals like many other rodents that will keep you awake all night.

Gerbils are very social animals and are best kept in small same sex groups – they will form bonded friendships but still enjoy spending time with their human families.

Gerbil Grooming

Gerbils are self-groomers and rarely need baths, but pet parents can spot-clean their little ones with a damp washcloth or unscented baby wipes, as needed.  

Gerbils should have access to weekly dust/sand baths to remove oil and dirt from their fur.

Pet parents can add a shallow dish of bathing sand to their gerbil’s habitat for them to roll around in.

When selecting a bathing dust, make sure the product is suitable for gerbils. The dust bath should not be left in a gerbil’s habitat for more than 12 hours at a time.  

Most gerbils will not need to have their nails trimmed regularly, as they wear them down with daily use. If a gerbil’s nails begin to curl, or if they start leaving scratches on themselves during self-grooming, they should be taken to a veterinarian for trimming.

The enamel of a gerbil’s incisor teeth darkens and turns an orange yellow color as they age.

This is not a sign of poor hygiene—it's normal! Consult a veterinarian if a gerbil’s teeth seem too long, if they are drooling excessively, or if they are dropping food when they eat. 

Gerbil Veterinary Care

Annual Care

Gerbils should be seen once annually by a veterinarian.

Use a small transport cage for the trip and take pictures of their enclosure, diet, treats, bedding, etc., to show the veterinarian all aspects of their care.

the veterinarian all aspects of their care.

Signs of a Healthy Gerbil

  • Smooth and shiny hair coat

  • Bright and clear eyes

  • Clean nostrils

  • Clean anus

  • Straight, properly aligned, and not overgrown teeth

  • Formed stool

When To Call Your Vet

  • Hair loss, rough hair coat, scratching

  • Eye discharge

  • Nasal discharge

  • Unformed/soft stools

  • Inappetence

  • Difficulty chewing, uneven teeth, or overgrown teeth

  • Seizures

  • Lumps/bumps/growths

  • Episodes of trauma, especially with any wounds

  • Rings around the tail or missing skin on the tail

Common Illnesses

Gerbil Care Guide FAQs

Are gerbils good pets?

Gerbils make wonderful pets. They’re active, friendly, and awake mostly during daylight hours.

They are easy to keep, making them good beginner pets.

However, because they're fast, children should always be supervised when handling gerbils.

Do gerbils like to be held?

Although friendly and social, most gerbils do not enjoy spending long periods of time being held. They're very active and generally have other things they want to attend to.

Are gerbils friendly?

With consistent and gentle handling, most gerbils are quite friendly and look forward to interaction with their human families.

Maria Zayas, DVM


Maria Zayas, DVM


Dr. Zayas has practiced small animal and exotic medicine all over the United States and currently lives in Colorado with her 3 dogs, 1 cat,...

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