How Old Is My Dog? How to Determine a Dog's Age
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Estimating a dog’s age allows us to better understand their behavior and nutritional needs as they grow. Different life stages also require different medical screenings and vaccinations.
As a curious pet parent, you may be wondering, “How old is my dog?” and “How do you determine a dog’s age?”
While the answers aren’t straightforward, your veterinarian can make an educated guess about your pup’s age from a physical exam and your dog’s and behavior.
Converting dog years to human years can also help us better understand what our senior pups (older than 11 years old in most small breeds, closer to 8 years old in larger breeds) are going through and help to provide the right nutrition and/or medical assistance.
By doing this, you can better manage your own expectations for your pup’s care and longevity.
Let’s look at how to tell how old a dog is.
Key Takeaways
- Estimating your dog’s age can allow you to better understand their behavioral, nutritional, and medical needs as they grow.
- Dogs mature much faster than we do. Most of them are the age of human teens by the time they are a year old.
- Converting a dog's age to human years depends on the dog's breed.
How to Tell How Old a Dog Is
Your vet can help to determine an estimate of your dog’s age. Keep in mind they will want to factor in both physical signs and behavior when it comes to determining age.
Physical Signs of Age
A dog’s age can be determined by looking at their teeth—specifically their location, how many there are, and what type of teeth are present.
Puppy teeth are smaller, thinner, and very sharp. Adult teeth are thicker and have more blunted tips.
Puppies with less than 28 teeth and those that they have are sharp and thin are 8 weeks old or younger.
Adult dogs have 42 teeth once they are fully grown.
Puppies lose their teeth at around 3 to 7 months of age, when their adult teeth start to come in.
After 7 months of age, estimating a dog’s age becomes more subjective. Tooth staining, tartar, and gum inflammation (periodontal disease) are more common as a dog ages.
Small breeds may develop periodontal disease as early as one year of age.
Your vet will look for whether your dog has all their adult teeth as well as evaluate any signs of periodontal disease.
By comparing your dog’s teeth with those of other dogs with known ages they have seen of the same breed and type, they can give you an estimate of your dog’s age.
Gray hairs are a sign that your dog is no longer a puppy. Age-related graying is typically most noticeable on a pup’s muzzle, around their eyes, and on their paws.
Dogs differ in how quickly they gray, but it’s rarely seen in young adults. Take into consideration that scars from injury or surgery can come in with gray hairs, in which case you can rule that out as a sign of aging.
Your vet will look for gray hair on your dog’s face and paws that slowly transitions into their normal coat color to indicate that your dog may be older.
A cloudy or blue appearance to the eye (sclerosis of the lens) is a common change seen in older dogs. The lens of a young dog is made up of many clear microscopic fibers.
As dogs age, more fibers are added to the lens without changing the overall size. This makes the lens more dense and harder to see through (no change in vision).
White, non-see-through cataracts form when these fibers break down. This can be age-related, though these cataracts can develop from trauma, inflammation, or diabetes.
Even so, dogs with these changes are more likely to be older.
Your vet will be able to differentiate sclerosis of the lens from cataracts and other eye changes that can cause similar signs (like glaucoma), using tools such as an ophthalmoscope and tonometry (checking eye pressures).
They can tell you if these changes are because your dog is older or if there may be other things going on.
Older dog paws have traveled more miles than their soft, puppy counterparts. The pads of older dogs’ paws are usually thicker and rougher. You may notice non-painful cracks or even areas where the keratin has formed small bristles.
Though exercise can mitigate this, muscle loss is very common in older dogs. This muscle loss is frequently seen in a dog’s thighs and shoulders, caused by arthritis in their elbows and knees.
The pain that accompanies arthritis decreases a dog’s mobility. Senior dogs may have more prominent spines because the muscles that run along the spine will atrophy (get smaller) with decreased activity.
Your vet will feel your dog’s limbs and back for any bony points that are not normally palpated in younger dogs.
They will consider any effect of injury (like cruciate tears, which can cause these changes in younger dogs) and breed on your pup’s muscle to help determine their age.
Behavioral Signs of Age
As dogs age, the nerves in their eardrums can break down, making it harder for them to hear.
If you notice that your dog is surprised when you come up from behind or doesn’t bark at the door anymore, it may be a sign of hearing loss and aging.
Age-related eye changes can lead to vision impairment. Usually this is more noticeable in dim light or in full darkness.
Some dogs may be resistant to going downstairs due to poor eyesight. Normal age-related changes should not cause complete blindness, but vision can still be significantly compromised.
If your pup has cataracts, there are surgical and medical options to help maintain their vision and your veterinarian can discuss treatment options with you.
Lifestyle changes are often indicated for older dogs with nonsurgical vision problems.
Arthritis pain is a common cause of “slowing down” in senior dogs.
While limping is rare in the early stages of arthritis, older dogs may be hesitant to jump up on a couch or into a car. They may not go up or down the stairs as frequently. When they do, it can be a slow process.
Sleep/Wake Cycle
If your dog is new to you, behavior changes may be harder to evaluate. However, many senior dogs are prone to changes in their sleep cycles. They may sleep most of the day, then pace and experience anxiety at night.
These changes can be coupled with urination or defecation in the house, new anxiety behaviors, and disorientation.
If you think your dog is exhibiting these signs, ask your vet about cognitive dysfunction disorder (DISHAA) to help with tips on how to manage the condition.
Consider a DNA Test
For pet parents of mixed breed dogs, DNA tests are available to help determine what breeds predominate your dog’s makeup.
Dog Years to Human Years Age Chart
Once you’ve established your dog’s approximate age, you may find it easier to compare their life stage to a human’s, especially when considering how long they may live.
So how many dog years is one human year? With so many different breeds and sizes, the answer to this question is a little more complicated.

Dogs mature much faster than we do. Most of them are the age of human teens by the time they are a year old.
Life spans differ by breed, though, and an elderly Great Dane may have the same human years behind them as a middle-aged Chihuahua.