12 Popular Types of Puffer Fish

Angelina Childree, LVT

Angelina Childree, LVT

. Reviewed by Sean Perry, DVM
Updated May 28, 2024
Black and yellow puffer fish

Erica Finstad/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Puffer fish are probably one of the most recognizable fish due to their unique ability to inflate almost three times their body size. This unique trait has also earned them the nickname blowfish” since they can resemble a blown-up balloon. The ability to inflate is just one of many fun facts about puffer fish!

There are over 190 species of puffer fish that can be found throughout the world and can make a unique addition to an advanced hobbyist’s fish tank. Here are some of the most popular types of puffer fish.

Freshwater Puffer Fish

1. Dwarf Puffer Fish

Also known as the Pea Puffer and Pygmy Puffer, the Dwarf Puffer Fish is one of the most popular puffer fish pets.

The Dwarf Puffer Fish is the smallest puffer fish species in the world, at under 1 inch long.

These fish are best to keep in a group of at least six in a single-species tank, because they live in groups in the wild. With proper care, Dwarf Puffers can live six years or more as pets.

But take note: When housing Dwarf Puffers, it’s essential to have a secure lid on the tank, because they are known to jump out of water. 

Pea puffer
ComR78/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

2. Amazon Puffer Fish

Amazon Puffer Fish are also called South American Puffer Fish (or SAP for short). They can grow to about 3 inches in length and live for eight to 10 years as a pet. Not much is known about the reproduction of this species, so all Amazon Puffer Fish are wild-caught.

Like Dwarf Puffer Fish, Amazon Puffer Fish should ideally be kept in a group of at least six, since they live in groups in the wild.

Amazon puffer fish
Manuel4Media/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

3. Mbu Puffer Fish

The Mbu Puffer Fish, also known as the Giant Puffer Fish, is the largest puffer fish species and can grow to 30 inches long as a pet. They can also live over 20 years with proper care.

Mbu Puffers are known to practice” inflating to strengthen their muscles, so you may notice your puffer inflating without any environmental stressors.

When stressed out or sick, Mbu Puffers can lose color and develop a mask around their face. If this happens you should investigate any changes to water quality and the environment, then follow up with an aquatic veterinarian.

Mbu puffer fish
exs/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

4. Spotted Congo Puffer Fish

Spotted Congo Puffer Fish grow to about 4 inches long and can live to be over 10 years old as pets. This type of puffer fish is known for unprovoked aggression, so it’s best to keep them individually or in a single-species tank.

Like the Mbu Puffer Fish, Spotted Congo Puffers can change color when stressed, creating black bars across their back.

Spotted Congo Puffer Fish can also retract their eyes when injured, and you may even notice them using these muscles to practice this ability. 

Spotted Congo Puffer Fish
Henner Damke via Adobe Stock

5. Dragon Puffer Fish

Dragon Puffer Fish, or Humpback Puffer Fish, are ambush predators and should be housed alone or in a single-species tank. Dragon Puffers can grow to 7–8 inches and may attempt to eat smaller tankmates.

Dragon Puffers are crepuscular, meaning they will be most active at dawn and dusk. They are known to jump out of a tank, so make sure it has a secure lid.

Dragon puffer fish
92734/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

6. Yellow Puffer Fish

Also known as Golden Puffer Fish, Yellow Puffers will grow to about 4 inches. This species of puffer fish will become less active as they age and can live to be about 5–7 years old.

Yellow Puffers are known to be aggressive, so they should only be kept in single-species tanks. 

Yellow puffer fish
Nathan via Adobe Stock


Saltwater Puffer Fish

7. Valentini Puffer Fish

The Valentini Puffer Fish can grow to about 4 inches in length and live five to 10 years.

For the safety of both the corals and the puffer fish, it is best to house Valentini Puffer Fish in non-reef aquariums with non-aggressive fish. It’s best only to have one Valentini Puffer Fish in your tank.

Valentini puffer fish
Olga Oginskaya/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

8. Figure 8 Puffer Fish

Also known as the Eyespot Puffer Fish, Figure 8 Puffers can grow up to 3 inches long. They are known to live as pets for about 15 years in proper conditions.

Like many other puffers, Figure 8 Puffers can be aggressive, so they should be avoided in community and reef tanks.

Figure 8 puffer fish
danolsen via Adobe Stock

9. White Spotted Puffer Fish

White Spotted Puffer Fish are sometimes referred to as the Stars and Stripes Puffer. This species of puffer fish can grow to be 18 inches in length and is typically wild-caught.

White Spotted Puffers are a solitary species in the wild, so it is best to house this species alone.

Like other puffers, the White Spotted Puffer Fish is not considered safe for reef tanks. 

White Spotted puffer fish
mirecca/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

10. Green Spotted Puffer Fish

Green Spotted Puffer Fish (or GSPs for short) can grow to be around 6 inches and are known to live for about 10 years as pets.

Healthy Green Spotted Puffer Fish will typically have a white rounded stomach rather than a flat one like other species. A gray stomach can indicate that your GSP is sick.

Unfortunately, GSPs are commonly sold as freshwater fish even though they require saltwater conditions.

Green spotted puffer fish
diegograndi/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

11. Porcupine Puffer Fish

Porcupine Puffers are also known as Long Spine Porcupine Fish. You may even hear them referred to as a Balloon Fish or Hedgehog Fish! Porcupine Puffers can grow to between 8–14 inches and live up to 20 years. 

Porcupine Puffers are in a different family than others because they are porcupine fish rather than puffer fish.

Porcupine Puffers are covered in sharp spines that stick out when inflating.

Porcupine puffer fish
JodiJacobson/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

12. Guineafowl Puffer Fish

Guineafowl Puffer Fish can come in different colors. They are close relatives of the Stars and Stripes Puffer. Guineafowl Puffers can grow to be 20 inches long.

Guineafowl Puffers feed on coral in the wild, so they should not be housed in a reef tank. 

Guineafowl puffer fish
f9photos/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images


Angelina Childree, LVT


Angelina Childree, LVT

Veterinarian Technician

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