Caring for a Pet Rat: What to Expect

Updated Jul. 18, 2024
Cute dumbo rat

iStock/Liudmila Chernetska

Thinking of adding a cute pet rat to your home? Rats can make a great choice of small animal companions. Read on to learn more about pet rat care!

Pet Rat Facts

There are many breeds and 40 recognized colors and markings of rats. The most common types of pet rats include:

  • Standard

  • Rex

  • Hairless

  • Satin

  • Dumbo

  • Tailless

Rats are social creatures that enjoy the company of other rats. They can be housed with other same-sex rats or, if spayed or neutered, rats of the opposite sex.

Are Rats Good Pets?

Rats as pets are typically gentle, intelligent, and fun. While they are generally low maintenance, they do have certain requirements to keep them feeling their best.

How To Care for Pet Rats

Pet Rat Cages

Enclosures are the first important component to keeping pet rats healthy. Rats can be escape artists, so housing should be solidly constructed to prevent runaways.

The appropriate size for the cage is dependent on how many rats are living together. The minimum size enclosure for a single adult rat is 2 feet x 2 feet x 1 foot. The floor should be solid metal or plastic (never wire) with enough room to allow normal rat behaviors, such as burrowing, nesting, exploring, and exercising.

Carefresh® bedding, fleece fabric, recycled newspaper, and shredded paper are appropriate substrates for pet rats and should be kept 0.5–1 inch deep. Never use pine or cedar, which can cause health issues due to toxicity. The bedding should be spot cleaned daily and completely changed once to twice a week.

Mesh tops should be firmly affixed to prevent escape, and aquariums should be avoided due to increased odors that can accumulate.

Rats are very intelligent and enjoy having toys, hideaways, and things to climb. Hideaways are important for rats to feel safe and to nest, while toys can double as ways to wear down their constantly growing teeth. Rotate a variety of these items for increased enrichment and to decrease boredom. They may enjoy an exercise wheel, as long as it has a solid floor to prevent injury. Toys can include:

  • Cardboard boxes

  • Shredded paper

  • Paper towel and toilet paper rolls and other tubes

  • Commercially available pet rat wood chews to help wear teeth appropriately

  • Hammocks

Some rats can be trained to urinate and defecate in one area, but this is not always the case. If your pet rat typically goes to the bathroom in a certain area of the cage, make sure to keep the water bottle and food bowl on the opposite side of the enclosure.

While pet rats are mostly tolerant of temperature and humidity changes, they should ideally be kept between 65–80 F and between 40–70% humidity.

What Do Pet Rats Eat?

Pet rats are omnivores and generally thrive on high-quality pellets with some fresh vegetables, fruits, and small amounts of lean animal meat like chicken.

Pet rats may enjoy:

  • Apples

  • Pears

  • Banana

  • Citrus

  • Broccoli

  • Endive

  • Bok choy

  • Celery

  • Berries

  • Peas

High-quality, veterinarian-recommended pellet diets include Oxbow® and Mazuri® Mouse & Rat Food.

Diets with seeds should be avoided, as they are high in fat (which can cause obesity) and do not include important nutrients, including:

  • Calcium carbonate

  • Prebiotics

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin K

  • Manganese

Seeds, although tastier, and unbalanced diet for rats and can lead to health problems such as obesity.

Make sure fresh water is available and refreshed daily. Glass water bottles are preferred over plastic because they are easier to clean and less likely to harbor bacteria.

Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for food, especially if your rat is under- or overweight. Typically, 5–10 grams of pellets per 100 grams of body weight is a good estimate for pet rats.

Pet Rat Medical Needs

Just like all pets, rats require examinations by a veterinarian at least once a year.

Typically, the first signs of a sick rat are:

  • Weight loss

  • Decreased appetite

  • Changes in stool quality

  • Lethargy

  • Overgrown teeth

  • Lumps over the skin

  • Hair loss

  • Sneezing and increased respiration

Because they are prone to obesity, checking your pet rat’s weight weekly is important. Work with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate weight for your rat. In addition to obesity, common rat diseases include:

Signs of a Healthy Pet Rat

  • Alert and active, with clear and bright eyes

  • No sneezing, or nasal or eye discharge

  • Smooth hair coat

  • No lesions or lumps

  • Teeth have no signs of overgrowth or asymmetry

Most veterinarians recommend exams every six to 12 months, including blood work and fecal parasite testing, to keep pet rats as healthy as possible.

Pet Rat Cleaning Needs

Rats keep themselves very clean all on their own. They do not require any bathing unless they are sick and unable to clean themselves. In this case, work with your veterinarian to determine the best method to keep your pet rat clean and sanitary.

If your pet is having fecal buildup or urine scalding in the rear end, talk to your veterinarian to determine the next best steps.

Rats typically have very little odor if their enclosure is properly cleaned. Bedding should be replaced daily as needed, with a thorough cage cleaning every three to seven days.

Make sure your rat is not inside the enclosure during cleaning and allow the enclosure to properly dry, as noxious chemicals and fumes can be irritating to a rat’s respiratory system.

Water bottles and food bowls should be cleaned daily and provided fresh.

Where To Get a Pet Rat

To start your search for your new adorable pet rats, it’s recommended to start at your local animal shelter. Shelters often have surrendered rats from accidental litters that come from improperly sorted (by gender) pet rats for sale at a pet store.

Rats as pets are typically gentle, intelligent, and fun.

Choosing a Pet Rat

The biggest decision to consider when adopting pet rats is to choose which gender you prefer to keep.

If you’re looking for a large pet rat, you may want to consider adopting males. Male rats require more space than females and are generally lazier and cuddlier. Male rat urine will have a stronger smell than female rat urine, and therefore may require more time cleaning their cage.

Female rats are generally quite active and require more accessories in their cage for getting all that energy out. Females may enjoy running on an exercise wheel and having plenty of nesting materials available to shred and arrange how they please. Female rats are also more at risk for developing mammary tumors later in life, especially if they are intact (not spayed).

Pet Rat Handling

Most rats are great to be held, especially over time and with training. Use one hand to support under the rib cage and back, while using the other hand to scoop and support the rear end.

Rats do not typically bite, but young or new pet rats may do so when frightened. You may start less socialized animals with short, frequent interactions. Positive reinforcement with treats may help associate handling with good feelings and pleasant experiences.

Pet rats require at least 30 minutes out of their cage to exercise each day. They easily fit into small places, so care must be used to keep them safe when they are out of their enclosure.

They are also prey species for other common pets, like dogs and cats, so keep them separate from rats during this time. Exercise balls should not be used as a rat’s toes and feet can easily become caught and cause injury.

Rats can carry some zoonotic, or spreadable-to-humans, diseases, such as:

  • Rat bite fever

  • Salmonella

  • Leptospirosis

  • Skin parasites

  • Hanta virus

  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

If your pet rat is sick, talk to your veterinarian sooner rather than later. As a prey species, rats may hide their illness until it is progressed. Always talk to your human medical provider with any concerns regarding zoonotic diseases.

Overall, rats are good pets and can offer a lot of love to interested pet parents.

Pet Rat FAQs

How much do pet rats cost?

The cost of adopting a pet rat will vary. Intact (not spayed or neutered) rats may cost $15–$20, while spayed or neutered rats, or those bought from a breeder, may cost anywhere from $85–$100 or more.

How long can pet rats live?

Pet rats typically live 2–4 years with proper care.

Do pet rats smell?

Rats are generally clean animals and can even be trained to use a litter box. A male rat’s urine will have a stronger smell than a female’s.


Leck DVM ABVP, Susan. Veterinary Information Network, Inc. A Quick Reference Guide to Unique Pet Species Rat Pet Care. January 2011.

Pollock DVM, DABVP, Christal. LafeberVet. Basic Information Sheet: Rat. February 2010.

O’Connell CVT, Jessi. Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital. Rat Care. 2022.

‌Guinness World Records. Oldest rat ever. 2022.


Lauren Jones, VMD


Lauren Jones, VMD


Dr. Lauren Jones graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2010, after receiving her bachelor's degree...

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