How To Take Care of Dogs: A Pet Parent Checklist
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It’s important that your pup gets everything they need to be happy and healthy.
If you’re a new pet parent or you’re about to adopt a new furry friend, you may be wondering, “How do I take care of a dog?” or “What do dogs need?”
Both are great questions—but where do you start?
First, understand that taking care of a dog is more than just making sure their bowl is full or that they’re walked. You’ll want to create a checklist of everything your furry friend needs in life.
Let's look at all there is to know about taking care of a dog, and how you can be a reliable, loving, and responsible pet parent.
Train Your Dog
Being a good pet parent means taking responsibility for training your dog.
Dog training is important for pet parents when learning how to take care of a dog.
“Dogs don’t come already knowing how we would like them to behave, so we need to train them so they know what to do,” says Zazie Todd, PhD, a certified dog trainer and founder of Companion Animal Psychology.
Obedience training not only helps instill healthy doggy manners, but it also plays a big role in keeping your dog happy, healthy and safe.
“Teaching a dog to come when called is especially important and can prevent dogs from getting lost or running out into the road,” says Dr. Todd. “[You] can also train dogs to help them cope with things, like going to the vet, that they might otherwise find scary.”
Dog training also helps provide mental and physical stimulation for your pup.
Dr. Todd explains, “Training with positive reinforcement is also a fun enrichment activity for dogs and a way to engage their brain.”
With positive reinforcement training, you’ll praise and/or reward your pup with treats for performing the desired cue.
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As a responsible pet parent, you should be including dog training in your daily routine.
Whether it is making your dog sit before feeding them or having them wait for you to walk through doorways instead of allowing them to bolt through, you can create habits that help keep your pup’s manners sharp.
Make Time For Play
Playtime is an essential part of building and strengthening the bond between you and your dog. It allows you to establish a fun and positive relationship with your dog while also providing them with a productive outlet for their energy.
“Play helps to stop pets from getting bored, [getting] frustrated and developing behavior problems,” says Shermaine Wilson Cox, DVM, an Atlanta-based veterinarian.
Set time aside each day to actively play with your pet.
Jim Carlson, DVM CVA CVTP, owner of Riverside Animal Clinic McHenry and Grove Animal Hospital & Holistic Center in Chicago's northwest suburbs, says, “Dogs are companion animals so it's good for their mental well-being to have positive interaction with their human.”
Not all pets enjoy the same types of play, so you will have to figure out what gets your pup up and moving. This means that you have to experiment with a variety of dog toys until you find what they like.
If your new pup is a big chewer, KONG® toys and Nylabones® are virtually indestructible.
Other dogs may prefer to play fetch or play with a furry stuffed animal friend.
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Take Your Dog on Daily Walks
Dog walks are an important part of your dog’s exercise and socialization routine.
Every dog needs regular walks—but how often and how long depends on the dog.
There are dogs that may only enjoy short walks to do their business and then want to head back inside, and there are other dogs that may need to go for longer runs to burn off all their energy.
“For those dogs, it can be helpful to include games such as fetch in their daily routine, or other activities such as agility, dock diving or nose work,” says Todd.
One thing to keep in mind when planning outdoor walks with your dog is the importance of using a dog leash.
A dog leash not only keeps your dog safe and under control, but it also allows other pet parents who may have reactive dogs or fearful dogs to walk their pups without worrying about your dog approaching without consent.
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Off-leash time is important too.
“It’s really good for dogs to get some off-leash time, both for the exercise and because it gives them the opportunity to choose what they’re doing for a while,” says Todd.
But you need to make sure that this off-leash time takes place in a secure and safe environment. Todd says that because leash rules are different everywhere, you will need to find a place that is suitable, safe, and legal for your dog to be running around.
This might mean taking them to a dog park or dog beach or on a hiking trail that allows dogs.
Be respectful of other pet parents—don’t assume that your dog can freely approach other dogs without permission.
You’ll also want to make sure your dog is trained to come back to you and follows cues when they’re off-leash.
Clean Up After Your Pet
As a pet parent, you’re responsible for the messes your pup makes.
When you’re walking your dog, always make sure to have dog poop bags on hand to pick up any mess he leaves behind on the sidewalk or in a neighbor’s lawn.
There are plenty of dog poop bag dispensers available that can be attached directly to your dog’s leash, so there is no excuse to not pick up after your pup.
Picking up after your dog is an important pet parent responsibility because it not only helps keep walkways clean, but it also prevents the spread of disease.
“When cleaning, use a detergent that's safe for pets and does not have a strong smell,” says Todd.
You should also use house cleaners that are non-toxic to your furry family member.
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Keep Up With Grooming Your Dog
Part of caring for your dog is ensuring they’re properly groomed. From their coat to their nails, a well-groomed pet helps to ensure good health.
“Pets should be bathed on a regular basis with shampoos and conditioners that are specifically labeled for them. Make sure you follow the labeled directions and rinse the skin and coat thoroughly,” says Dr. Cox. “Ears should be cleaned using ear cleaner that’s approved for use in dogs. Regular ear cleaning will prohibit the buildup of dirt and debris that could lead to ear infections.”
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Never use cotton swabs to clean your pet’s ears. If you’re unsure how to clean your dog’s ears, consult your veterinarian.
PetMD also offers an illustrated dog ear cleaning guide, which you can find here.
The regularity of bathing for your pet is dependent on their coat and routine activities.
Speak with your veterinarian to decide on the best bathing routine for your pet.
Brushing your dog is also important.
“Brushing the hair coat several times a week will keep your pet’s hair from getting matted and will remove dead hair and potential allergens,” says Dr. Cox.
You should also regularly check your pet’s nails to make sure they are a healthy length.
Dr. Carlson, says, “As a veterinarian, overgrown nails are one of the first things I notice.”
Overgrown nails can cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your dog.
Dr. Carlson explains, “Overgrown nails can create problems throughout the body, especially in the back and hips. When I see a pet come in with pain symptoms, the feet are the first place I look. Nail trims should be even and not just look at the nail itself, but the posture of the pet and how the pet moves after the nail trim.”
If your pet does not tolerate getting their nails cut well, reach out to your veterinarian—they are always there to help.
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Microchip Your Dog
As a pet parent, you should take every step possible to make sure your dog is easily identifiable in case they are lost.
It’s alarmingly common—and while dog collars, tags and GPS tracking devices can be helpful, the best and most permanent way to keep your pet protected if lost is a microchip.
“Unfortunately, one in three pets will get lost during their lifetime,” says Dr. Cox. “Although pets commonly wear collars and tags, these forms of identification can come off and getting lost. Pet microchips add a second level of protection to bring your pet back home.”
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Getting a dog microchip dramatically increases the chance you’ll be reunited if your pet gets lost. “Dogs with microchips are more than twice as likely to be returned home,” says Dr. Cox.
If your dog isn’t already microchipped, do the responsible thing and get it done ASAP.
Visit the Vet Routinely
As a pet parent, you’re responsible for your pet’s health, which includes regular veterinary care.
“Regular veterinary visits will allow veterinarians to prevent disease or provide early treatment if problems arise,” says Dr. Cox.
So, how often is regularly?
“Adult dogs should see a veterinarian yearly for a full comprehensive exam and blood work,” says Dr. Cox.
If you have a senior dog, it’s recommended to make appointments with your veterinarian every six months.
Dr. Carlson says, “Senior dogs and cats need biannual checkups. Pets can age several years over a six-month period compared to humans, so a lot can change quickly.”
This will help you catch changes in your pet’s health more efficiently so they can continue to live a healthy life in their golden years.
And while annual visits to the vet are a must, that’s not the only time you may need to schedule time with your veterinarian.
“Outside of regular physical exams, adult pets may need yearly vaccinations depending on their age and lifestyle, the region you live in, health concerns, disease risk or plans for travel,” says Dr. Cox.
Keep Up With Your Dog’s Dental Care
Taking care of a pet’s oral health is a critical part of being a pet parent.
Neglecting your pet’s oral health can lead to periodontal disease—which not only puts their mouth in danger, but their overall health as well.
According to Dr. Cox, once the surrounding tissue and bone are compromised, teeth begin to loosen and can start to fall out. Compromised tissue and bone are also at risk of bacterial infection, which can put your pet at risk for heart, lung, liver, and kidney disease.
If you want to keep your pet’s mouth healthy, schedule annual dental cleanings with your vet.
“Dental cleanings under general anesthesia allow your vet to perform a full oral examination, which otherwise is difficult to obtain when your pet is fully awake. Your vet can check for the presence of oral masses, loose teeth, foreign bodies, gingivitis [or] tooth fractures. A thorough teeth cleaning will [also] rid the mouth of tartar buildup and will help prevent gingivitis, bad breath, and periodontal disease,” says Dr. Cox.
In between cleanings, regular brushings can keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthier.
“Outside of yearly dental cleanings, pet parents should brush their pets’ teeth at least three times a week to prevent plaque or tartar buildup using specially formulated dog toothpaste,” says Dr. Cox.
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Between brushings, Dr. Cox says that you can use dog dental chews to help fight off dental disease.
Protect Your Dog From Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms
It’s important to be aware of some common threats to your dog’s health and taking the necessary steps to protect them.
Fleas and Ticks
“Fleas and ticks are two of the most common [pests] found on pets. If not prevented, fleas can lead to itching, hair loss, flea allergy dermatitis, secondary skin infections, tapeworms and even severe anemia,” says Dr. Cox.
Ticks also pose a threat to your pup.
“Ticks can transmit viral, bacterial and protozoal diseases. Examples of tick-borne diseases include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and ehrlichiosis. These diseases can make your dog ill if not properly diagnosed and treated,” says Dr. Cox.
Luckily, protecting your pet from fleas and ticks is simple.
“For fleas and ticks, there are several products that pet parents can get over the counter (OTC) or through a veterinarian, such as shampoos or sprays, topical medications and collars,” says Dr. Cox.
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If over-the-counter options aren’t working as effectively (or if you live in an area known to have a flea or tick problem), ask your veterinarian for suggestions.
They may prescribe you a prescription flea and tick option that they recommend specifically for your dog.
Heartworm disease in dogs is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that’s becoming more common within the United States.
Your vet can provide prescription heartworm medicine to protect your dog from heartworms—but to get access to the medication, you need to get your pet tested annually.
As a responsible pet parent, you should make sure your vet is testing for heartworms at your annual checkup and prescribing the medication necessary to prevent it as well.
Learning how to take care of a dog is not only the key to their happiness but also yours.
Over the first few weeks of being a pet parent, you’ll figure out what your dog needs to be a healthy, happy, and a new member of your family.
If you are ever in doubt about the choices you need to make for your new pup, speak with your veterinarian.