7 Best Flea and Tick Protection for Puppies in 2025, Recommended by Vets

Published Dec. 23, 2024
Puppy running in field. The best flea and tick prevention for puppies will help keep your puppy safe from such outdoor parasites.

carlofranco/iStock via Getty Images

All products in this article have been reviewed by our trusted vets and experts. PetMD is owned by Chewy.

Like human babies, puppies require special care to develop into healthy adult dogs.

Part of this care includes protecting them from pesky parasites such as fleas and ticks that can cause itchiness and irritation, and carry harmful diseases.

Because puppies have immature immune systems, they're particularly susceptible to these infestations. Starting a flea and tick prevention regimen when they're young can help keep them safe, healthy, and pest-free.

Everything Our Vets Recommend

Your veterinarian will help you determine the best flea and tick medication or product for your puppy, depending on their health, age, and weight. It's important to start flea and tick preventative at a young age for pups, to ensure they are set up for a healthy life.

Many flea and tick puppy medications also protect against heartworms, hookworms, or roundworms. Depending on where you live and other factors will help you to make an inform decision on which product to use.

A topical flea and tick medication or flea and tick collar may be recommended if your puppy has issues with taking oral medications. Flea and tick shampoos are also available to help aid during an active flea infestation, and can help your pup recover from the itch quicker. In addition to a great flea and tick puppy preventative, be sure to keep a flea comb on hand and to regularly check your puppy for fleas and ticks

Keep in mind that flea and tick preventatives only work if they are given on time and on schedule. Your veterinarian can help you determine the best puppy flea and tick preventative, depending on your dog and lifestyle.

To help make a more informed decision, we asked our panel of veterinarians to share their top picks for the best flea and tick products for puppies.

Our Vet Pick: Best in Show

An excellent all-in-one preventive for fleas and ticks on puppies

When it comes to giving puppies medication, the fewer tablets you have to hide in their food, the better.

Simparica Trio prevents heartworm and flea infestations, and treats tick, roundworm and hookworm infestations. You only need to give your puppy one chewable tablet once a month for treatment or prevention of the above parasites. 

Our vets love both the broad coverage against major external and internal parasites as well as the liver flavor that most dogs seem to enjoy.

Our vet panel says that oral preventions like Simparica Trio tend to be more effective than topical options for pets that swim or get bathed often, since frequent exposure to water may impact the efficacy of topical options. You can start treatment as young as 8 weeks old for flea and tick prevention in puppies.

Things to Consider
  • Kills five types of ticks
  • Treats and prevents heartworm and flea infestations
  • Treats tick, roundworm and hookworm infestations when taken as directed
  • May not be recommended for puppies with a history of seizures or other neurological issues, so consult with your veterinarian to see if this is the right product for your puppy
  • Works for dogs as young as 8 weeks old and as small as 2.8 pounds

Our Vet Pick: Best Chew

A flea and tick medication for puppies that treats or prevents most parasitic infestations

NexGard PLUS Chew is a favorite flea and tick puppy medication among our veterinarians. This monthly chewable tablet kills fleas before they can lay eggs and four types of ticks: American dog ticks, black-legged ticks, brown dog ticks, and lone star ticks.

Like Simparica Trio, it also treats heartworms, two species of roundworms, and three species of hookworms.

It's safe to give puppies as young as 8 weeks old, and our vets find that most of their canine patients enjoy the beef flavor.

Things to Consider
  • Kills four types of ticks
  • May not be recommended for puppies with a history of seizures or other neurological issues
  • Works for dogs as small as 4 pounds
  • Safe for use in puppies as young as 8 weeks old

Our Vet Pick: Honorable Mention Chew

A great second option chew that delivers on flea and tick protection for puppies

If you've already covered heartworm, roundworm, and hookworm prevention with a different medication for your puppy, our vet panel says Credelio is a great chewable for the treatment or prevention of flea and tick infestations.

Credelio covers the same type of ticks as NexGard PLUS and is formulated in a similar beef-flavored tablet. Unlike NexGard PLUS, however, it doesn’t treat heartworm, roundworm, or hookworm infections.

While it’s a solid preventative, Credelio can also be helpful during an active flea infestation. It starts killing fleas within four hours and can eliminate all fleas within 12 hours. Plus, your puppy remains protected for 30 days post-treatment.

This flea and tick puppy medication can be used on pups as young as 8 weeks and 4.4 pounds. However, it must be given with food and may not be recommended for dogs with a history of seizures or other neurological issues.

Things to Consider
  • Can also be helpful during flea infestations
  • Covers the same types of ticks as Nexgard PLUS, but doesn't protect against heartworm, roundworm, or hookworm infections
  • Safe for pups as young as 8 weeks and 4.4 pounds

Our Vet Pick: Best Topical

Great flea and tick medication for very small puppies that also works against ear mites

Puppies can be picky eaters. If your pup refuses oral medications, our vet panel recommends Revolution topical solution. It's a once-a-month application that protects against fleas and heartworms. It also treats American dog tick, ear mites, and sarcoptic mange mites.

The active ingredient in Revolution is selamectin, which kills adult fleas before they can lay eggs and prevents flea eggs from hatching for up to 30 days if the medication is administered on a monthly schedule.

Our vets especially like this flea and tick medication topical for puppies weighing under 5 pounds, as there are fewer approved medications for dogs this small. Additionally, you can start your new puppy on preventive treatment even earlier, as Revolution can be used on puppies as young as 6 weeks old.

Things to Consider
  • Liquid topical medication that is ideal for puppies who won't take a medication easily
  • A great flea and tick medication for tiny puppies (weighing under 5 pounds)
  • Limited tick coverage (only protects against the American dog tick) Exposure to water may decrease effectiveness

Our Vet Pick: Best Collar

A wearable alternative to traditional flea and tick medications for puppies.

Collars can be a potential alternative for puppies who don't like oral or topical medications.

While most flea and tick collars are designed to fight active infestations, the Seresto collar can also help repel these parasites. This collar provides eight months of protection against fleas, ticks, and chewing lice for puppies as young as 7 weeks old.

As soon as you place the collar around your pup, it will begin releasing two active ingredients, imidacloprid and flumethrin, to kill and prevent fleas on contact.

A plus for pups who love the water, Seresto is still effective after exposure to baths (shampoo included), rain, or swimming. Just make sure you replace the collar more often if your dog is bathed, or swims more regularly. Otherwise, the collar's time-released protection will diminish.

Things to Consider
  • Water-resistant and odorless formula
  • Does not protect against heartworms or intestinal parasites
  • May take up to 30 days to break the entire flea life cycle
  • Too much water exposure will decrease the effectiveness
  • No prescription needed

Our Vet Pick: Best for Flea Infestations

An effective 24-hour puppy flea and tick aid during active flea infestations

If your puppy is at least 4 weeks old and weighs at least 2 pounds, Capstar may be an option to help treat a current flea infestation.

Nitenpyram is the active ingredient in Capstar's and starts killing fleas within 30 minutes of ingestion. However, it only lasts about 24 hours, and is typically recommended to use in conjunction with a flea and tick medication. 

Capstar does not work as monthly preventative medication. Your vet may recommend Capstar to kill the fleas currently on your pup until your pup is old enough to start a monthly preventative, or simultaneously with a monthly preventative if your pup is old enough.

Things to Consider
  • Does not work on ticks or other parasites
  • 90% effective in eliminating adult fleas within hours
  • Not a preventive measure
  • Must be used in conjunction with other preventive medications
  • No prescription needed

Our Vet Pick: Best Shampoo

A flea relief puppy shampoo that helps soothe during active flea infestations

Bath time can be one way to help get rid of fleas and soothe your puppy's itchy skin–and this shampoo can kill fleas and ticks on contact. While this product is not a replacement for preventative measures, our vet panel recommends using this shampoo in conjunction with a flea and tick medication to remove fleas from your puppy's coat during an active flea infestation.

It’s not recommended for all puppies. This shampoo is only safe for dogs at least 12 weeks old and should be used sparingly, as it can dry out their skin. While it can help prevent flea dermatitis, it's not effective against other parasites like heartworms or intestinal worms.

Things to Consider
  • Kills fleas, ticks, and lice on contact
  • Not a preventive measure against fleas and ticks
  • Must be used in conjunction with flea and tick medication
  • No prescription needed