Top 5 Reasons To Get A ‘Moggy’ Cat


PetMD Editorial

Published May 3, 2010

Meow Monday

No, we haven’t lost our marbles, nor is “moggy” some strange, new cat breed. The term moggy is a loving British slang word for non-pedigree cats. And since this weekend was the North Shore Animal League’s “adoptathon,” we figured it would be appropriate to give you the top five reasons why you should adopt a moggy as your next cat.

#5 Robust to the Brim

It’s nature. When animals can breed on their own, nature has a way of selecting the best genes, allowing the strongest and the fittest to be born. A moggy is genetically primed to be healthier, smarter, and more robust than her purebred cousins. In fact, many purebreds are plagued with health problems, while moggies aren't.

#4 Wash and Wear

A moggy will spend just as much time grooming as a purebred, and best of all, because the short-hair gene is dominant, most moggies don’t require much in the way of human grooming -- except, of course, from the odd brushing to cut down on hairballs. But a moggy is definitely the kind of low-maintenance cat you’ve always dreamed of having.

#3 A Little Geeky

You’ve heard it before about the occasional purebred (most likely inbred) cat: “She’s gorgeous but not very smart.” Not so with a moggy. They’re usually very smart, especially the older, adopted cats. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by their smarts and wily ways of navigating the world.

#2 Always a Surprise!

While some breeds are predisposed to certain personality traits, moggies have no such blueprint. It’s like having children. You don’t know what you’re going to get. But show them respect, love, and discipline, and you get the most amazing creature ever back. One who is very much her own cat. It’s fun.

#1 They're Adorable

Of course they are! Cats are beautiful, elegant creatures, even the clumsy ones (and we know a few, though we aren’t mentioning names). Their pride, elegance, and sleek felineness makes them all adorable. Having beautiful things is good for the soul, especially when one of those beautiful things happens to be a living creature.

Cats, whether purebred or moggy, all deserve a kind and loving home. So next time you’re feeling lonely, or you want to add a special member to the household, adopt a cat. You’ll be glad you did.

Meow! It’s Monday.

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