Worms in Cats
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What Are Worms in Cats?
It can be alarming when you find a worm in your cat’s stool. Worms are common internal parasites that infect kittens and cats with prevalence rates as high as 45% in the United States.
Gastrointestinal (GI) worms in cats are typically not a medical emergency but can become one if a cat is infested with several worms.

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Tell your vet immediately if you see any worms in your cat’s stool, so they can determine the type of worm and how to treat it. It may be beneficial to send a photo to your vet or save the stool sample.
If you also notice that your cat has pale gums, is having trouble breathing, or is vomiting or not eating, take them to the vet immediately.
Types of Worms in Cats
The most common types of worms in cats are gastrointestinal worms. They include:
Roundworms: Roundworms are the most common type of intestinal worm in cats, with up to 25% of all cats being infected and even higher rates in kittens. Roundworms are 3 to 6 inches long, cream-colored, and resemble spaghetti when found in the stool.
Hookworms: Hookworms are tiny, thin, whitish worms. They are so small (about 1/8 inch long) that most people do not notice them on the cat’s stool. If you do see them, they look like tiny, thin strings. Hookworms get their name from their hook-like mouthparts and aggressive bloodsucking behavior; they attach themselves to the lining of the intestines and suck blood.
Whipworms: Whipworms are 2 to 3 inches in length with one thicker end and one thinner end, resembling a whip, hence their name. Whipworms are not easily seen in the stool and are diagnosed by your vet, who can identify the eggs under a microscope.
Tapeworms: Tapeworms occur when a kitten or cat eats a flea while grooming or eats a rodent infected with tapeworm eggs. Tapeworms look like grains of rice and are found around the anus or in a cat’s stool.
Other worms that can affect cats include:
Symptoms of Worms in Cats
Symptoms of worms in cats may vary. You can usually determine the type of worm based on your cat’s symptoms:
Diarrhea or soft stool; you may see worms in the stool
Vomiting (worms may be seen in the vomit)
General unhealthy appearance including dull hair coat
Pale gums (hookworms only)
Coughing or trouble breathing can be seen if worms migrate to the lungs (hookworms, roundworms)
Causes of Worms in Cats
Most kittens are infected with GI worms while nursing their mother, when they ingest tiny worm larvae directly from their mother’s milk. If you are caring for a nursing mama or pregnant cat, ask your vet about deworming her to treat her existing worms and stay ahead of transmission to the kittens.
Worms in cats typically occur when worm eggs are ingested. This can happen when a cat licks their fur after exposure to a contaminated environment or when they eat an animal infected with the worm or its eggs.
Hookworm larvae can penetrate directly into the skin between the toes, causing skin infections. Keep your cat indoors to prevent exposure to GI worms.
How Veterinarians Diagnose Worms in Cats
To diagnose worms in cats, a veterinarian will likely need a stool sample. You can bring a stool sample from home or your vet can get a sample during a physical examination of your pet.
A fecal examination, also known as a fecal floatation test, may be performed in the clinic or sent out to a reference laboratory.
Even if you can see the worms in the stool and have a good idea of what worm you are dealing with, your veterinarian will likely want to run the fecal examination to ensure the worm is correctly identified. Your vet will also check for eggs of any other worms.
Unfortunately, a cat may have several different types of worms at one time.
Treatment and Deworming Cats
Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms are treatable with oral and topical medications, and sometimes injectable formulations, prescribed by your veterinarian.
Some worms in cats are killed with a single treatment. Other worms require multiple dosages of a medication given on a strict schedule over a certain period.
It’s important to carefully follow the directions provided by your vet and to schedule follow-up visits and tests to ensure the treatment is working for your cat.
The cost for deworming cats can vary depending on:
The type of worm being treated
The severity of your cat’s infection
The medication dosage
The frequency schedule your veterinarian recommends
Your cat’s health status
Recovery and Management of Worms in Cats
Depending on the type, cats that are mildly infected with worms can completely recover within a few weeks.
If your cat has symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or low appetite, your vet may prescribe a gastrointestinal probiotic such as FortiFlora® or Proviable® to aid digestion and provide immune system support.
Cats that are severely affected with hookworm and/or roundworm infection may require:
Supportive care, such as fluid therapy and blood transfusions (in cases of anemia)
If an intestinal blockage is found from a large burden of worms, emergency surgery may be needed to remove the worms in your cat.
Prevention of Worms in Cats
The best prevention for worms in cats includes:
Regular deworming
Stool testing, needed twice a year for indoor cats and four times a year for kittens and newly adopted cats
Monthly parasite prevention (such as Revolution® Plus) year-round for life
No exposure to the outdoors
Flea control is essential to prevent your cat from eating a flea while grooming themselves and thereby becoming reinfected with tapeworms.
Ask your vet about starting your cat on one of these parasite preventatives:
Worms in Cats FAQs
Will worms in cats go away on their own?
No. If left untreated, adult worms will thrive and live for months to years in your cat’s body, causing serious harm to your cat’s health.
If you suspect your cat has worms, call their veterinarian.
How do you deworm a cat at home?
Despite claims that home remedies such as garlic and apple cider vinegar can get rid of worms, there are no safe or effective “natural” treatments for deworming in cats. These remedies don’t kill worms and can even cause toxicity to your cat.
The safest way to treat your cat is through your veterinarian.
Are cat worms contagious to humans?
Some worms can infect humans by ingestion of eggs from soil, sandboxes, or handling infected cats.
Cats don’t have to show signs of illness to be actively shedding worm eggs. Young children and immunocompromised individuals are more susceptible. And although these types of infections are rare, worm infections can potentially cause skin, eye, or liver issues in humans.
If your cat is infected with worms, scoop the litter box daily, regularly change out the litter and disinfect the litter box, and always wash your hands after handling it.
Separate your infected cat and newly adopted kittens or cats until they have been examined, have had stool tests and deworming, and are cleared by your vet.
How do you tell if your cat has worms?
Cats with worms may show a few different symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, or a pot-bellied appearance. The best way to know if your cat has worms is by taking them to the veterinarian, who can make a diagnosis by analyzing a stool sample.