The Top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds

Emily Johnson

Emily Johnson

. Reviewed by Barri J. Morrison, DVM
Updated Oct. 22, 2024
two tabby cornish rex kittens sitting in a cat bed

Sicha69/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

When it comes to intelligence, every cat is unique. Some kitties may love and excel at puzzle games, while others prefer quiet window watching.

While all kitties have their own personalities and quirks, certain breeds are known for being particularly clever. These brainy breeds thrive on (and need!) mental stimulation and love engaging with their pet parents.

If you’re looking for a feline friend to keep you on your toes, the kitties below have earned a reputation for being some of the smartest cat breeds around.

1. Abyssinian

Abyssinian cat standing in a hallway
Photo by Adobe Stock/Anastasija

Known for their playful and curious nature, Abyssinians are energetic cats that love to climb and explore. Along with being smart cats, they’re highly social and bond closely with their pet parents.

Abyssinians enjoy brain games like interactive toys and puzzles, and they’ll gladly tag along for your daily stroll around the neighborhood if you leash train them.

2. Siamese

siamese cat sitting and looking over his shoulder
Photo by Adobe Stock/Vesna

Siamese cats are famous for their talkative and affectionate personalities. Lovingly known as Velcro cats, they thrive on interacting with their humans.

Siamese are quick to learn tricks and should have plenty of feline-friendly enrichment to keep them occupied, such as window perches and interactive toys. If they’re bored, they’ll (loudly) let you know!

3. Scottish Fold

orange tabby scottish fold lying in a cat tree
Photo by Adobe Stock/GolubaPhoto

The Scottish Fold breed is known for their signature folded ears and laid-back demeanor. While they may be calm, these kitties are very smart and enjoy playing with puzzles and chasing a wand toy. They may not follow you everywhere you go, but they form strong bonds with their families.

4. Persian

black and white persian cat being held up
Photo by iVangelos/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

With their luxurious coats and sweet expressions, Persians are an observant and relaxed cat breed. Though they may not be as energetic as some, Persians are quite intelligent and enjoy peacefully stimulating activities, like observing from a tall cat tree.

5. Cornish Rex

brown cornish rex cat sitting with his head tilted
Photo by Okssi68/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

The Cornish Rex is an energetic, playful cat with a distinctive wavy coat. They are known for their agility and curiosity, loving to jump and explore, and thriving on interactive play with their people. Their high intelligence means this smart cat breed needs plenty of mental stimulation and can easily learn to perform tricks or play fetch.

6. Turkish Angora

black turkish angora lying down on a black background
Photo courtesy of Kit Goodwin

Turkish Angoras are highly intelligent and athletic with a keen sense of independence. They might not be your typical cuddly lap cat, but they’re very affectionate and will form strong bonds with humans and other pets. These kitties also love water and are known for being excellent problem-solvers. 

7. Burmese

brown burmese cat lying on a human bed
Photo by Alina Lebed/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Burmese cats are loving and friendly cats, often following their people wherever they go. As one of the smartest cat breeds, Burmese enjoy learning through clicker training. They’re best kept indoors (or in a catio or on a harness and leash) due to their curious nature.

8. Bengal

bengal cat lying on the ground wearing a red collar
Photo by Michele Pevide/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Bengals are a highly sought-after breed because of their striking leopard-like spots, but they’re equally known for their wits. As a highly energetic breed, they love to climb, jump, and play with toys.

Bengal cats thrive on physical and mental stimulation and are quick learners, making them a great breed for pet parents wanting an active and social pal.

9. Korat

woman holding a korat cat
Photo by Somrerk Kosolwitthayanant/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

With a striking blue-silver coat and an adorable heart-shaped face, the Korat is a thoughtful, smart cat breed. They’re known for their problem-solving skills and people-oriented personalities, loving both interactive play sessions and a good lap nap.

Korats bond deeply with their families and can be sensitive to changes in their routines, so be mindful when introducing new things.

10. Savannah

savannah cat lying on a couch
Photo by Gennadiy Naumov/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Similar to the Bengal, the Savannah cat is an exotic breed known for being highly energetic, adventurous, and intelligent. They adapt quickly to learning new cues, how to walk on a leash, and even play fetch with their pet parents.

Given their unique genetics—plus their curious and brainy nature—Savannah cats need plenty of space and stimulation to avoid unwanted destructive behaviors, such as furniture scratching and knocking things over.

Emily Johnson


Emily Johnson

Freelance Writer

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