12 Best Cat Breeds for Kids

Shannon Willoby

Shannon Willoby

. Reviewed by Veronica Higgs, DVM
Updated Aug. 29, 2024
girl hugging a fluffy white cat

Adobe Stock/Elena Medoks

Kids and cats are an adorable combo, but not all breeds can handle a rambunctious household or the heavy-handed pats of a well-meaning child. So when you’re considering the best cats for kids, focus on breeds known for their laid-back, tolerant, and gentle nature. 

But breed isn’t everything. All cats are individuals with their own personality, so pay attention to cat body language cues that indicate your kitty isn’t happy, such as flat ears, wide dilated pupils, and a tail wrapped closely to their body. You can also teach your children to respect your new family member (and institute a “no tail-pulling” rule).

With love, attention, boundaries, and patience, many cats can thrive in a home with children of any age. Here’s a look at some of the best cat breeds for kids. 

1. Ragdoll

ragdoll cat sitting on a window perch and playing with a wand toy
Photo by bojanstory/E+ via Getty Images

Ragdolls have it all: beautiful blue eyes, luxuriously soft fur, and—most importantly—a famously docile disposition. True to their name, they go limp when held, making this cat breed about as relaxed as they come. 

If your children want a constant companion—Ragdolls are serious attention-seekers—this breed is your cat. 

2. Maine Coon

silver tabby maine coon lying in a cat tree
Photo by Adobe Stock/Tetiana Soares

The mighty Maine Coon, weighing up to 22 pounds, is a kid-friendly choice because they’re loving and gentle, even with the youngest family members. 

Maine Coons are also excellent playmates, happily fetching balls and walking on a leash if trained. But their love for lounging means they make equally excellent napmates.

3. American Shorthair

silver tabby american shorthair cat lying on the floor against a wall
Photo by kla3950/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Perfect for busy families with active kids, the American Shorthair is the ideal blend of independence and playfulness. 

While they need attention and love like any cat, they aren’t as demanding as some other breeds. This easygoing kitty will be just as happy playing with the kids as they are bird-watching from a window perch

4. Siamese

siamese cat standing in grass and white flowers
Photo by Vital Hil/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

The social Siamese will be any child’s new best friend. Spunky and outgoing, they desire maximum attention, affection, and lots of playtime. But if they feel left out, you’ll hear about it—these blue-eyed beauties are an extremely chatty cats

If your family is home often and seeking a social butterfly, a Siamese may be the perfect fit.

5. Birman

close-up of a colorpoint birman cat
Photo by Adobe Stock/thodonal

If your children want a lap cat for cartoon-watching marathons, consider a Birman. Commonly referred to as “Velcro cats,” these felines stick close to their humans, no matter the size. 

While cuddly and loving, they also have an energetic side. Whether chasing balls or playing fetch, they’ll entertain children of all ages with their antics.

6. Burmese

burmese cat lying on a human bed against a pillow
Photo by Alina Lebed/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Give your kids a four-legged playmate with the people-loving Burmese. Smart, sweet, and active, this breed does well in families who can shower them with attention.

Older kids will enjoy playing games with these highly intelligent cats, while parents will appreciate how tolerant and tender Burmese are with kids of all ages. 

7. Abyssinian

abyssinian cat lying on a windowsill
Photo by Vera Chitaeva/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

The Abyssinian will liven up any household with their active and affectionate personality. These athletic cats can climb to impressive heights and are known for maintaining a kitten-like energy throughout their life. 

But because Abyssinians have a more petite build, they’ll do best with older children who have been taught to handle them gently, even during playtime. 

8. Norwegian Forest Cat

calico norwegian forest cat sitting outside
Photo by undefined undefined/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

With a fluffy coat and a friendly demeanor, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a top choice of child-friendly cats. 

While Wegies (as they’re often called) do tend to pick a person they’re particularly close to, they don’t discriminate when it comes to attention. So whether on the back of the couch or perched high on a cat tree, they’ll always be nearby and ready to show your kids some love.

9. Siberian

brown tabby siberian cat being pet on the floor
Photo by CasarsaGuru/E+ via Getty Images

If you have a boisterous bunch, you need a cat that can tolerate noise and activity. Enter: the Siberian.

With a patient and playful personality, Siberians are unfazed by rowdy children and a bustling household. These clever cats can also learn tricks and be leash-trained, which can be an enriching activity for kids and kitties alike. 

10. Scottish Fold

gray tabby scottish fold lying down with front legs crossed
Photo by lafar/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

With large eyes and signature folded ears, Scottish Folds will surely be a kid favorite. But their appearance isn’t all that makes them special. 

They’re also good with children, thanks to their calm and fun-loving personality. Whether trailing you from room to room or sitting up like a prairie dog, they’re bound to keep your little ones laughing.

11. Himalayan

white and gray himalayan cat sitting in front of a purple background
Photo by slowmotiongli/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

A mix of the quiet Persian and rowdy Siamese, the Himalayan has a silky coat and stunning blue eyes. Their sweet nature makes them popular with kids, but these cats don’t handle a noisy household as well as some other breeds.

As such, they’ll do best with older children—especially those who will respect their love for lounging but know when to break out a toy for playtime. 

12. Manx

calico manx cat lying on the floor and looking up
Photo by Svetlana Popova/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

The Manx is most well-known for not having a tail (although not all Manx cats are tailless), but they also have a famous dog-like loyalty and affinity for interactive play. This makes them great companions for high-energy kids.

Whether with a toy mouse or feather wand, Manx need regular play sessions to prevent boredom. 

Again, keep in mind that every cat is different; it’s possible you could end up with a shy American Shorthair or a Maine Coon that prefers their personal space. But if you respect the cat’s boundaries and teach your children to do the same, all cats can be loving and rewarding companions for kids.

Shannon Willoby


Shannon Willoby

Freelance Writer

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