Heatstroke in Cats: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention

Updated Dec. 16, 2024
Heatstroke in cats: A cat sits outside by the water on a summer day.

Miguel Angel Flores/iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Heatstroke in cats is when a cat’s body temperature surpasses 104 F.

When this occurs, there’s a significant release of inflammation throughout their body.

Key Takeaways

  • Heatstroke in cats is when a cat’s body temperature surpasses 104 F.
  • To treat heatstroke, it's important to start brief cooling at home—but take your cat directly to a veterinarian for emergency care.
  • To prevent heatstroke in cats, always keep your pet safely indoors.

Heatstroke in Cats vs. Heat Exhaustion

Inflammation caused by heatstroke sets off several reactions that affects every major system of the body, causing the breakdown of essential proteins and enzymes. This puts the cat at risk of organ failure and potentially death.

If your cat is experiencing heatstroke, contact a veterinarian immediately.

Heat exhaustion is an early stage of heatstroke, when the cat’s temperature is approximately 103–104 F. Recognizing the signs of heat exhaustion and acting quickly can prevent heatstroke in cats and tissue damage.

During heat exhaustion, a cat may:

If you notice any of these signs, immediately do the following:

  • Move your cat to a cool, air-conditioned area.

  • Place a slightly cool, damp towel on your cat’s back. If your cat allows, place a damp towel under their belly. Rubbing cool water on the paw pads and ears will also help with cooling.

  • Offer your kitty cool water to drink; some cats may like ice cubes.

It's important to start brief cooling at home (such as applying cool damp towels and water to the ears and paws), but head directly to a veterinarian for emergency care.

Signs of Heatstroke in Cats

Signs of heatstroke in cats include:

How Do Cats Get Heatstroke?

Heatstroke in cats is most common in:

  • Cats allowed outside, especially on very hot days, very humid days, or when there is little shade or water available

  • Indoor cats let outside into hot temperatures when they are not used to the heat

  • Indoor cats when there is no power or air conditioning in the home

  • Brachycephalic (flat-faced) cats, on any warm day

  • Obese cats

  • Senior cats

  • Kittens that are 4 months of age or younger

  • Cats with underlying health issues such as kidney diseasediabetes mellitus, or mobility issues that hinder their access to water

  • Cats with heart, respiratory, or neurological conditions (such as seizures)

  • Cats inadvertently trapped in a running clothes dryer

  • Cats unintentionally confined in a car (even on mild days, the interior of a car can quickly become dangerously hot)

How Veterinarians Diagnose Heatstroke in Cats

The diagnosis of heatstroke in cats primarily relies on both the cat’s history and a physical examination.

The veterinary team will immediately take blood samples as well as start pulse oximetry to determine the oxygen saturation of the blood and start an electrocardiogram (ECG) to monitor the heart.

In most cases, supplementary oxygen will be needed. Lab tests are used to check for any major and minor infection in the blood throughout the cat’s stay, including kidney and liver injury.

The veterinary team will pay close attention to the cat’s body temperature, because once cooling efforts start, they do not want the body temperature to drop too low.

Cat Heatstroke Treatment

The first step in treating heatstroke in cats is to bring their body temperature back to a more normal range. This is primarily achieved through intravenous (IV) fluid therapy.

Your vet will pay close attention to how alert the cat is upon arrival for treatment and whether your cat becomes more alert as the treatment progresses.

Cooling of the ears, feet, and belly with room temperature water may also continue in the hospital, depending on the cat’s temperature when they arrive.

Heatstroke patients often experience low blood sugar. The addition of glucose to their IV fluids over several days will prevent seizures or other side effects of having low blood sugar.

Throughout the hospital stay, lab tests will be used to screen for kidney and liver injury.

It's important to start brief cooling at home (such as applying cool damp towels and water to the ears and paws), but head directly to a veterinarian for emergency care.

Heatstroke can lead to a breakdown of the lining of the blood vessels, causing a greater risk of bleeding. If this occurs, the cat may benefit from one or more plasma transfusions.

Cats that become comatose may have cerebral edema, or brain swelling. This may be treated with mannitol, a diuretic IV medication.

Cats with heatstroke are also more susceptible to sepsis (severe infection throughout the entire body), so antibiotics (such as ampicillin and Clavamox) are often used.

Cats that are having difficulty breathing may receive supplementary oxygen by remaining in an oxygen cage. Some cats that are in severe respiratory distress may need to be intubated and ventilated to help them breathe.

Kidney failure from heatstroke is possible. If this is the case, fluid therapy is essential but must be carefully monitored.

In either of these cases, the veterinarian may recommend referral to a veterinary hospital where a ventilator or kidney dialysis is available.

Cat Heatstroke Recovery

In mild to moderate cases of heatstroke in cats, pets often make a full recovery by the time they are discharged from the hospital.

Medications to take home may include antibiotics such as Clavamox and gastrointestinal protectants, like sucralfate or omperazole.

Your veterinarian may want to see your cat back in five to 10 days. This is so that they can perform a recheck examination and lab tests to assess your cat’s organ function, and sooner if your cat experiences vomiting, diarrhea, or disorientation.

Your cat will need ample rest once she is home. Improvement should be noted within the next several days. Your cat may need to return to the vet for follow-up blood work in three days to verify if there are any lingering kidney or liver effects.

In very severe cases of heatstroke, the prognosis is poor.

You can ask your veterinarian about the expected long-term care for your cat, as some pets with severe heatstroke may require long-term treatment for kidney failure, heart disease, or neurological problems.

Keep in mind that cats that have had heatstroke are more sensitive to a recurrence in the future.

Cats should be kept indoors and protected from heat.

How To Prevent Heatstroke in Cats

To prevent heatstroke in cats, take the following precautions:

  • Always keep your cat indoors to protect them from predators, heat, and parasites

  • Do not let cats out on a catio on hot or humid days

  • Before using your clothes dryer, always check for the presence of a cat to prevent accidental entrapment, and keep it closed in between use.

  • Place a bag or purse on or next to the cat carrier to ensure you don’t accidentally leave your cat in the car.

  • Install a Wi-Fi thermostat in your home to receive alerts if the power goes out, so you can get your cat to a cooler place if you are not home.

  • Give cats with seizures their medications regularly, as missed doses can trigger episodes.

Heatstroke in Cats FAQs

How do I know if my cat is too hot?

If your cat is seeking a cooler area to lie down, is panting, seems uncoordinated, sluggish or having changes in its behavior, then your cat is probably too hot.

Additionally, other signs that your cat is too hot is trouble breathing, vomiting or diarrhea, either of which can be accompanied by blood. 

What are the long-term effects of heatstroke in cats?

Depending on the severity of heatstroke when first evaluated, some cats can recover without major long-term complications; others, unfortunately, may develop kidney or liver failure.

These cats can have complications associated with heatstroke side effects. This includes bone marrow dysfunction, neurologic issues, and clotting disorders.

Can cats recover from heat exhaustion?

If caught early enough, cats can recover from heat exhaustion. 

If your cat is overheating, move her into the shade or a cooler environment away from sunlight and provide fans or proper ventilation.

As cats can die from the heat, have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian right away.


Allen, S. Disorders of Heat and Cold. Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine. Wiley Global Research. 2020.

Cudney SE, Wayne A, Rozanski EA. Clothes dryer-induced heatstroke in three cats. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. 2021 Nov;31(6):800-805. Epub 2021 Sep 9. PMID: 34499793.

Hall EJ, Radford AD, Carter AJ. Surveillance of heat-related illness in small animals presenting to veterinary practices in the UK between 2013 and 2018. Open Veterinary Journal. 2022 Jan-Feb;12(1):5-16. Epub 2022 Jan 3. PMID: 35342739; PMCID: PMC8956225.

Sleeper, MM. Heatstroke/Hyperthermia. Cote's Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats ebook. 4th Edition. Elsevier; 2019.


Jennifer S. Fryer, DVM


Jennifer S. Fryer, DVM


Jennifer S. Fryer, DVM graduated with Honors from Brown University with an AB in Development Studies, an interdisciplinary study of the...

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