Dog Anal Glands: Common Problems, Treatment, and Prevention

James Bascharon, DVM

James Bascharon, DVM

Updated Feb. 26, 2025
Poodle looking back. Poodles may be more at risk for dog anal gland problems.

dageldog/iStock via Getty Images

Most dogs go their whole life without any concerns with their anal glands.

Normally, when dogs have a bowel movement, it expresses their glands naturally, releasing anal gland fluid.

However, dog anal glands can become full, impacted, or infected. Impacted or diseased dog anal glands can be painful, so it’s important to recognize the signs of an issue and know what to do when it happens.

In this article, you'll learn about anal glands on dogs—including how they work, signs of anal sac disease, when to take your dog to the vet for anal gland issues, and dog anal gland expression. We’ll also provide recommendations on how to maintain healthy anal glands, like with anal gland supplements, and share aftercare solutions for dogs after their vet visit.

What Are Dog Anal Glands?

Dog anal glands are two small pockets—each about the size of a pea—located on the right and left side of a dog’s anus. Each gland connects to a small tube that secretes a distinctive, foul-smelling fluid.

A diagram of a dog anal gland.

Click here to download this medical illustration. 

Under normal circumstances, when stool passes through the anus, it applies pressure to the glands and releases (expresses) the fluid. Dogs may also involuntarily express their own anal glands when they are scared or stressed.

Expressing their own anal glands allows a dog to leave their scent behind to claim their territory near their home or in their yard during a normal bowel movement.

When dogs meet, they sniff each other’s hind ends and anal glands to gather information about the other dog’s hormonal status.

Both male and female dogs—as well as cats and other animals—have anal glands. These glands are not essential to your dog’s health, and they can live without them if they need to be removed for medical reasons.

Types of Dog Anal Gland Problems

Anal sac disease in dogs is a broad term that includes a few specific conditions.

These include:

  • Anal gland impaction: Impacted anal glands will cause moderate pain in dogs.

    • When the anal gland fluid thickens, this pasty, brown material clogs the sac and creates a hard mass. In average cases of impaction, the anal glands can be expressed with significant pressure.

  • Anal gland infection or abscess: A dog suffering from an anal gland infection or abscess will be in moderate to severe pain.

    • If the gland is infected, bacteria from the infection cause pus to build up inside the gland. An infection can then progress to an abscess when the pus-filled sac and swollen tissue cause the gland opening to be obstructed.

      • You may see discoloration around the anal area or a red, hot, swollen spot on the hind end, typically next to or inside the anal opening.

  • Ruptured anal gland abscess: If an abscess is left untreated, it can rupture, and your dog will be in severe to extreme pain.

    • The ruptures (fistulas) lead from the anal gland through the skin. You may see a greenish-yellow or bloody pus coming from the ruptured gland.

  • Anal gland cancer: The anal glands may also be the site of cancerous tumors. The most common type of anal gland cancer is known as apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASACA).

    • This condition may not cause your dog any pain. It’s more common in older, female dogs. Certain breeds such as German Shepherds and Dachshunds are at higher risk. 

Signs of Dog Anal Gland Problems

The most common signs of dog anal gland issues include:  

  • Scooting

  • Frequently turning to lick or bite their hind end

  • Straining to poop

  • Showing discomfort when pooping (dyschezia)

  • Not wanting to sit

  • Discharge from around the anus

  • A frequent fishy odor

Dogs with anal gland problems might also have the following signs:

If these symptoms persist or affect your dog’s behavior, you should contact your veterinarian.

If left untreated, anal gland impactions, infections, and abscesses can become major issues.

Dog anal gland problems are predominantly a small dog breed issue, but they can affect larger breed dogs as well.

Dogs that may be more at risk of anal gland conditions include:

Other factors that may increase the chances of dog anal gland issues include: 

How To Tell If a Dog’s Anal Glands Are Full

Most dogs involuntarily express their anal glands. If the consistency of your dog’s stool changes, their anal glands may not be naturally expressed on their own.

The liquid in the glands will thicken over time, making it harder to express. If this happens, the glands can become irritated, inflamed, impacted, and even infected.

Your vet may recommend leaving the anal glands alone if they are not causing a problem, or they may agree to routinely express them to avoid a medical issue. 

Treatment for Dog Anal Gland Problems

Anal gland problems should be diagnosed by your veterinarian after a complete physical examination, including a digital rectal exam.

Most cases of anal sac disease in dogs can be treated with manual anal gland expression and local treatment with antibiotics and/or steroid ointments.

Additional testing may needed to create a specific treatment plan for your dog. Tests may include:

Most cases of anal sac disease in dogs can be treated with manual anal gland expression. Dog anal gland expression involves inserting the index finger into the dog’s rectum and gently milking the gland’s contents outward. Your dog’s anal glands can be expressed by your veterinarian, a veterinary technician, or even some dog groomers.

If your vet has agreed that your dog requires their anal glands to be expressed routinely, they might instruct you on how to express dog anal glands at home if you’re comfortable.

Never attempt to express your pet’s anal glands unless you have been directed to by your vet and feel comfortable with the steps.

For dogs with sensitive bottoms, consider using a medicated topical treatment for anal glands like Vetnique’s Glandex Anal Gland Medicated Spray. This formula has hydrocortisone to target swelling, redness, and itching, as well as pramoxine to temporarily numb the area to relieve itching and pain. The addition of oat extract helps soothe and calm tender skin post-treatment.

Be sure to keep the anal area clean. Look for hygienic wipes formulated specifically for dog anal gland expression, like Vetnique’s Glandex Rear End Pet Wipes. These wipes contain an enzyme-based deodorizer that helps eliminate fishy anal gland odor, and soft cotton that won’t irritate already-tender bottoms.

Some cases will require oral antibiotics, such as clavamox, and anti-inflammatory pain medication, such as carprofen. In severe cases, surgical intervention might be needed. 

For anal gland cancer, your vet will need to determine if it has spread to the lymph nodes or other areas, such as the lungs, liver, or spleen.

You will need to consult a veterinary oncologist, and the treatment might include removal of the anal gland and sac, chemotherapy, or radiation.

How To Maintain Healthy Anal Glands in Dogs

High-Fiber Diet

Eating a diet with adequate fiber can help keep your dog’s anal glands healthy. Fiber promotes healthy digestion and proper stool formation. The force of the firm, bulky stool against the colon wall near the anus can help express the anal glands during bowel movements.


Your vet may recommend adding fiber supplements to your dog’s daily routine.

Vetnique’s are the leading vet-recommended anal gland support supplement. Available in both powder and chew forms, Glandex offers a 100% natural blend of probiotics, enzymes, and fiber that is veterinarian formulated to specifically address this issue.

With proper supplementation, many dogs can maintain healthy anal glands by bulking up stools, allowing for natural gland expression every time they have a bowel movement.

If your dog  needs more support to firm up their stools, you can try Glandex Advanced Vet Strength Anal Gland Chews for extra fiber.

Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil supplements help support a healthy inflammatory response, promoting overall comfort and well-being in dogs. Probiotics formulated with fiber also help promote intestinal health.

Healthy Weight

Keeping your dog at a healthy weight can also contribute to healthy anal glands.

Overweight dogs tend to accumulate excess fluid in their anal glands, because their body fat reduces the pressure on the sacs during pooping.

If your dog is overweight, speak with your veterinarian about a weight-loss plan. A combination of diet and exercise will help your dog reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Discuss the options with your veterinarian before you make any diet changes for your dog. 

Dog Anal Glands FAQs

What happens if a dog’s anal glands aren’t expressed?

Most dogs express their anal sacs on their own when they defecate, but if your dog can’t express their own anal sacs, they can become impacted and infected. This may lead to painful abscesses.

Can I empty my dog’s anal glands myself?

Your veterinarian can empty the anal glands for your dog or they may direct you to do so on your own. Always check with your veterinarian first.

Your veterinarian can show you how to express dog anal sacs, or you can support the process through supplementation with products like Glandex.

Can food cause anal gland issues in dogs?

Food is most likely to cause anal gland issues in dogs who have food allergies. The resulting skin inflammation can cause anal sac problems. High-fiber diets are beneficial for anal sac health.

This sponsored article was paid for by Vetnique. All opinions within belong to Vetnique. 

James Bascharon, DVM


James Bascharon, DVM

Sponsored Content Author

In 2012, James Bascharon, DVM, created a vet-founded pet health company unlike any other. His intuition was that with the right nutritional supplementation, pets could not only lead healthier lives but truly thrive. Today, Vetnique continues the legacy of its global best-selling supplement Glandex with a comprehensive portfolio of products designed for lasting pet health and well-being.

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